Principal's Update - 1st December
Dear Families,
As we reflect on the past week, we are happy to share the tremendous success of our recent ‘Going Up Day’ and Parent-Teacher Interviews. The collaborative efforts of our dedicated educators, supportive families, and engaged students made these events not only informative but truly uplifting. These occasions provided valuable opportunities for us to celebrate the achievements of our students and foster meaningful connections between home and school. Your active participation and enthusiasm contributed to the positive atmosphere that defines our school community.
Our staff have done an incredible job ensuring that our students remain engaged and inspired throughout this term and, in particular, the final few weeks of school for the year.
Our communities have a number of fun activities planned over these final weeks and we ask for your continued support and encouragement to ensure our children make the days count rather than counting the days.
Please remind your children that as they venture out into our community over the coming weeks the importance of representing our school well, using manners and wearing their school uniform proudly.
As we enter the season of Advent, a time of reflection, hope, and joyful expectation, we take this opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Advent. Commencing on this sacred journey, Advent beckons us to prepare our hearts and minds for the miraculous arrival of Christ. The liturgical countdown invites us to slow down, embrace the silence amid the holiday hustle, and await the birth of a promise. As each candle flickers, we embark on a spiritual pilgrimage, symbolizing the hope, peace, joy, and love that the Advent wreath embodies. It is a season that invites us to cultivate patience and mindfulness, to pause and ponder the profound significance of the Incarnation. With hearts aglow, we commence this season of Advent, mindful of the profound mystery and grace it holds.
First Week of Advent
This coming Sunday, 3 December, is the First Sunday of Advent. Veronica Lawson RSM explores some of the major themes of Advent that come from this Sunday’s Gospel - To Stay Awake! And Having Eyes Wide Open.
Advent is about recognising our tendency to be less than vigilant and even to turn away when our presence is most needed. It is about allowing the grace of God to take hold in our hearts, keeping us watchful for the sake of those on the edge and for the sake of a regenerated Earth. Most of us would agree that our Earth communities are in crisis. We need to be alert to causes as well as to consequences so that the cycles of violence might eventually be broken. Our gospel asks no less of us. As I look up from my writing, I see the magpies in the yard, ever alert, rarely asleep, ready to protect their territory and their young. The creatures of the earth can remind us that “eyes wide open” is the proper stance for gospel people as well as for birds or black swans.
Let us awaken from our slumber!
Let us try to ask ourselves: am I aware of what I am living, am I alert, am I awake?
Do I try to recognize God’s presence in daily situations, or am I distracted and a little overwhelmed by things?
- Pope Francis, Angelus 27 November 2022
We are looking for God in our world.
May we see what God wants us to see.
We are looking for God in our lives.
May we be who God wants us to be.
And may God our Shepherd, Protector, Awakener, and Holy Spirit, bless us through these Advent days.

Christmas Carols
This year, our School Community will celebrate the end of the 2023 school year with an afternoon of Christmas Carols on Thursday, 7th December. Each year level has been invited to perform a Christmas Carol to delight our audience, along with some festive songs also sung by our amazing school choir. The afternoon will commence at 2:30 p.m. and conclude at 5:30 p.m. We are planning to have a few refreshment vendors and a stall to sell Christmas Cards designed by our students, along with a raffle. We plan to host this wonderful celebration here at school on our top courts as we have done in the past. As always, we have a Plan B, just in case.
Thunderstorm Asthma & Allergies
With the change of seasons, the prevalence of thunderstorm asthma is on the rise. As a school, we will continue to monitor the weather forecast daily for possible risks and adjust accordingly. The Vic Emergency App is also a great guide in these circumstances. It is advised to avoid being outdoors during any thunderstorm, especially during the winds that precede them. Students are asked to take their preventative medication as directed, even if symptom-free. Please ensure that student asthma plans are updated, and children are reminded to seek support if they develop symptoms.
Sustainability Tip
Toys for Joy is a pre-loved toys recycling program that collects all pre-loved toys of any brand or condition. Doesn’t matter if it’s plastic, plush, electronic (batteries do need to be removed) or metal, they will take it. If you are looking to move on some of your pre-loved toys without putting them into the bin, Big W Ballarat has its own toys for joy bins available to us. If you would like to find out a bit more about how the process works, jump onto the Big W website, and they have all the information there. Below is a picture of the bin you are looking for:

St Vincent de Paul Mass Sunday, 3rd December at St Columba’s Church
This coming Sunday, 3rd December, our local St Vincent de Paul committee are celebrating Mass at 10 am followed by a morning tea. Our Mini Vinnies students have been invited to attend if they are able to and help serve the morning tea while representing the school in their leadership role. We encourage those students who are able to attend to please wear their school uniforms and Mini Vinnie’s badges to highlight their involvement.
Important Dates for Term 4
Sunday 3rd December - 10:00am | St Vincent de Paul Mass @ St Columba's Church |
Tuesday, 5th December | Year 1 / 2 Excursion - Bowling & Water Park |
Wednesday 6th December | Foundation Excursion to Aquatic Centre |
Thursday 7th December - 2:30pm - 5:30pm | Christmas Carols Night |
Monday 11th December | Foundation Excursion - Movies |
Tuesday 12th December | Year 1/2 Excursion - Aquatic Centre & Vic Park |
Tuesday 12th December | Year 3/4 Excursion - Movies |
Tuesday 12th December - 5:30pm | Digital Transformation Information Session |
Wednesday 13th December | Year 3/4 Excursion - Bowling |
Wednesday 13th December | Year 5/6 Excursion - Movies |
Wednesday 13th December | School Reports Home |
Thursday 14th December | Year 1/2 Excursion - Movies |
Thursday 14th December | Year 6 Graduation Night |
Friday 15th December | Final School Day for Students |
Monday 18th December | Final Day for Teachers - Professional Learning |
Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th December | Time in Lieu Acquittal Days for Staff |
Kind regards,
Bambi Afford & Shaun Mohr