Principal's Update - 1st February
Dear Families,
As we embrace the new school year, it brings us great joy to share how seamlessly our students have settled back into the rhythm of school life after the summer holidays. The enthusiasm and positive energy radiating from our classrooms is truly inspiring.
Students have quickly reconnected with their peers and teachers, forming strong bonds that contribute to the vibrant and supportive learning environment here at St Columba’s. The dedication of our educators and staff to creating nurturing spaces has played a pivotal role in this smooth transition.
We are immensely proud of their resilience, adaptability, and commitment to making this academic year a resounding success, particularly when we add the Building project and reduced yard space into the equation. Our students have embraced these changes enthusiastically, and we look forward to a year filled with growth, exploration, and shared accomplishments.
Technology Update
Safer Internet Day will take place next Tuesday. As a part of each Learning Community’s STEM lessons, they will explore some age appropriate ways to stay safe online. Safer Internet Days takes place in February each year to raise awareness of a safer and better internet for all.
Parents and carers play a crucial role in empowering and supporting children and young people to use digital technologies responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. There are plenty of ways for you to participate in Safer Internet Day, whether it is by ensuring an open dialogue with your children, educating them to use digital technologies safely and positively or acting as digital role models.
Over the next week, all students from Years 3-6 will receive their St Columba’s Technology Agreement. We encourage you to explore the creation of your own Family Technology Agreement, which is a set of rules about how devices, like tablets and gaming consoles are used in your home. We have attached a link to a resource from the eSafety commissioner which outlines how to create a Family Technology Agreement. Talking with your child about tech rules will help develop their digital intelligence and build good habits around technology. The eSafety commissioners website also provides free webinars for parents and carers, which can be found using the link below.
Creating a Family Technology Agreement
Webinars for Parents and Carers
Safer Internet Day February 6th 2024

Lael Stone - Parent Session Bookings
Please note change of venue: This event will now be hosted at Mary’s Mount, Loreto. We thank Loreto for their assistance in hosting this event and making it available to larger numbers.
As part of our ongoing work in building community and supporting families, we are excited to be able to announce we have Lael Stone working with us this year. Lael may be familiar to some families through her writing or popular TED talk - How to raise emotionally intelligent children. Lael’s work looks at how we build relationships and connections with our children, dealing with big emotions and managing our own triggers as parents. Lael will be working with staff on how we develop relationships within the classroom, set boundaries and expectations in a positive manner, and create a positive learning environment.
Lael will be running a parent session on Tuesday 20 Feb 2024 6:00pm
Please use the following trybooking link to confirm your attendance and numbers (please complete this even if you have previously responded to the Google Form)
Entrances & Exit points for the school
Please note the change to entry and exit gates.
The YMCA Bus will now depart from Howard Street's top gate.

Foundation Wednesday Rest Days for Term 1
Foundation students will not attend school on the following Wednesday's for Term 1:
Wednesday 7th February
Wednesday 14th February
Wednesday 21st February
Wednesday 28th February
Wednesday 20th March
Please be advised Foundation student literacy & numeracy assessment days will scheduled during these Foundation Rest Days. Foundation teachers will provide further information.
Please note the following:
Wednesday 6th March - Students will attend due to School Closure Day
Wednesday 13th March - Students will attend due to Labour Day Long Weekend
Wednesday 27th March - Students will attend due to Good Friday Public Holiday
Important Dates
Term 1 | |
Friday 3rd February | Beginning of the Year School Mass 9:30 am at St Columba’s Parish Church - All welcome |
Tuesday 6th February | 2024 Information Session - All levels 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Wednesday 7th February | Open Classrooms 3:15pm-3:45pm School Welcome Picnic - 3:45 pm start - 4:30 pm |
Thursday 8th & Friday 9th February | Year 5/6 Camp |
Monday 12th February | Year 5/6 Staff TIL Aquittal Day - No new learning day for community post camp (camp reflection day) |
Tuesday 13th February | Shrove Tuesday |
Wednesday 14th February | Ash Wednesday |
Tuesday 20th February | Visiting Author/Speaker - Lael Stone Parent Presentation - 6:00 pm @ Mary’s Mount - Loreto Ballarat (Please note change of venue) |
Friday 8th March | School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning |
Monday 11th March | Labour Day Long Weekend - Public Holiday |
Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th March | Staff/Parent Meet & Greets - 3:15pm |
Monday 25th & Tuesday 26th March | Year 3 /4 Camp - Log Cabin |
Wednesday 27th March | Year 3 /4 Staff TIL Aquittal Day - No new learning day for community post camp (camp reflection day) |
Thursday 28th March | Holy Week Re-enactments |
Thursday 28th March | Last Day for Students - 2:30 pm finish |
Friday 29th March | Good Friday - Public Holiday School |
Sunday 31st March | Easter Sunday |
Term 2 | |
Monday 15th April | First Day back for students and staff for Term 2 |
Thursday 18th April | Sports Day at Llanberris |
Tuesday 23rd April | School Photo Day |
Thursday 25th April | ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Kind regards,
Bambi Afford & Shaun Mohr