Principal's Update - 17th May
Dear Families,
We have been blessed to have two weeks of amazing Autumn weather in Ballarat and surrounding areas. This has certainly brought smiles to everyone's faces and provided our builders with further opportunities to make progress on the construction of both the Iona and Columba buildings.
Whilst the sun has been shining, we have still seen a number of children away with illnesses of one type or another. Colds, flu, and tummy bugs have been rampant in some communities and learning spaces, and with that said, we remind all families to be mindful of sending children to school if they are unwell and also that hand hygiene remains a routine for each day within the school setting.
Confirmation Preparation
A big thank you to our Parent helpers who have so generously volunteered to facilitate groups to support the preparation of students in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on either the 19th or 26th of May. Without your support the facilitation of these groups would not be possible.
We look forward to our first Confirmation Celebration this coming weekend at 10:00 am on Sunday, 19th May at St Columba’s Church.
The Piety store in the church will be selling gifts for these occasions at 10am mass each Sunday and on the days of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Here are few of what's available. Cash only, please.

Footy Update
We are excited and proud to announce that all our Football teams who participated in games today remain undefeated and have made it through to the Regionals.
Well done to all! It was wonderful to see the skill, determination and sportsmanship that was shown throughout both the boy's and girl's matches. Thanks to our coaches and families who came along to support, braving the cold conditions.
Bunnings BBQ
Once again, our school has been fortunate to secure a spot for the highly sought-after Bunnings BBQ fundraiser on the 28th July, commencing at 8:30 am and finishing at 4:30 pm.
We have had many parents offer to volunteer their time and we thank them all immensely. Organisers will be in contact with you closer to the date to confirm. Should you have any queries, please contact the school office or Serena Nicholson on 0418 107 261.
Parents and Friends - Sip and Social
'Sip and Social' has been once again organised by our wonderful Parents and Friends commitee. This will be held on Friday 14th June at Grainery Lane.
Tickets are available on Quickcliq now. Tickets are $40.
Canapes included, drinks at bar prices.

AEDC - Australian Early Development Census
Our school will take part in the AEDC between May and July this year. The AEDC is a national census conducted every three years by the Australian Government in partnership with state and territory governments. It measures how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school.
The AEDC is voluntary and it does not measure how well children are doing at school, nor how their school compares to other schools. Instead, it shows how children are growing and progressing in five key areas, what is being done well and what can be improved. AEDC data is used by schools, early childhood organisations, researchers and governments to help plan and improve services and supports for children and families. This is why all children in their first year of school need to be included in the AEDC. You can learn more about the ways AEDC data is used at
Important Dates - Term 2
Monday 27th May | Sorry Day and Commencement of National Reconciliation Week |
Friday 31st May | St Columba’s Feast Day Mass - 9:15 am at St Columba’s Parish Church |
Wednesday 5th June | Yr 3/ 4 Excursion - Central Highlands Water |
Friday 7th June | School Closure Day |
Monday 10th June | King’s Birthday Long Weekend - Public Holiday |
Wednesday 12th June | Yr 1 /2 Excursion - Ceres Sustainability Education |
Friday 14th June | Sip and Social Evening - Grainery Lane |
Monday 17th June | Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal |
Friday 28th June | Final Day of School Term- Dismissal 2:30 pm |
Important Dates - Term 3
Monday 15th July | School Closure Day - Staff Professional Learning |
Tuesday 16th July | First Day back for Students for Term Three |
Sunday 28th July | Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser |
Friday 20th September | Final Day of School Term- Dismissal 2:30 pm |