Principal's Update - 12th September
2025 Classes
Buddy Families for 2025
Re- Enrolment for 2025
Parent / Guardian / Carers Code of Conduct
Drop-offs in the morning
School TV
International Day of People with Disability
2025 Year 6 Tops
Design a Brick Fundraiser
Bowls, Banter & Bevo's
Important Dates - Term 3
Important Dates - Term 4
Important Dates - Term 1 - 2025
Dear Families,
As we welcome the commencement of Spring, we find ourselves quickly approaching the end of Term 3. It's an exciting time as the warmer weather brings a sense of renewal and energy. All classes are now moving back into their dedicated spaces, creating a smoother and more settled learning environment for both students and staff.
In preparation for the upcoming Term 4, we are looking forward to installing new shade sails over the holiday break. These will provide much-needed outdoor coverage, enhance our school's facilities, and ensure a comfortable outdoor learning and play area for everyone.
As the sun begins to emerge, we are reminded that daily sun protection times are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology for UV levels, based on location. In Victoria, UV levels typically reach 3 or higher daily from mid-August to the end of April. At these levels, sun protection is recommended for all skin types.
Given this, children will need their hats effective immediately and will be advised when to wear them according to the day's UV rating. If children have hats at school, they will be encouraged to wear them prior to the end of this term and for the entirety of next term.
2025 Classes
We will also begin the process of staffing arrangements and class lists early next term. If you have any information you feel may impact placement for your child, please contact us at This relates to academic, family, and social-emotional considerations. Please be aware that we do not accept requests for specific teachers or social groups, nor can we promise, given the complexity of 340 students to place, that we can accommodate every consideration.
Buddy Families for 2025
We are excited to invite you to become a Buddy Family and help new families transition smoothly into our St Columba’s community. As a Buddy Family, you'll have the rewarding opportunity to share your experience, offer guidance, and extend a warm welcome to those joining us for the first time. Your support can make a world of difference in helping new families feel connected and at home. If you are interested in making a positive impact and fostering our community spirit, we would love to have you join this meaningful initiative. Together, let's make every family feel a part of our St Columba’s family! If this is something you are interested in, please complete this form to register your interest.
Re- Enrolment for 2025
With planning for 2025 already underway, we ask that families help us by completing their child/ren re- enrolment. We appreciate that in some cases at this early stage it may not be clear whether a student is returning due to possible family relocation etc. Your response provides us with the clarification in Term 4 to continue to plan for 2025. Please advise us of your intention at this stage to enable the best possible planning.
Responses must be completed through PAM by Friday 20th September 2024.
If a response is not entered by the due date, it may mean that a student will forfeit their enrolment at St. Columba's
On Friday 20th September, the last day of term, we will be engaging in a Socktober celebration. The children will be invited to wear the sports colours or just a pair of sports socks from their favourite team (this could also be their school sports team colours so that everyone can get involved without the need to buy something new.) In 2016, Pope Francis inspired the launch of an initiative called Sport at the Service of Humanity. He recognised that sport has the power to celebrate our common humanity, regardless of faith, race, culture, beliefs, gender and ability. Sport can bring us together – to meet one another across borders and boundaries, to learn to compete as friends, to respect and trust one another even in opposition. This is what we will be practising on Friday!
We are implementing the 'Head, Heart, Hands' framework to help students think deeply about why they are participating and raising funds for Catholic Mission's work. Through education, students first gain knowledge (head) of how children in developing countries are living and the challenges they are facing. Through stories and videos of people in need of support, it is hoped that students’ hearts are filled with love and compassion for the people we are supporting. Compelled by this, we practise using our hands to take action. We pray, advocate for and financially support children in need, in whatever way we can.
The students will gather in cross school groups to gather in prayer followed by team sports. This year we are collecting a gold coin donation for the Catholic Mission, particularly financial aid in Mongolia.
Parent / Guardian / Carers Code of Conduct
Thank you to all families who have read and signed our School’s Code of Conduct to ensure we all work in partnership to support the learning and development of our students. St Columba’s is committed to ensuring we offer a respectful learning environment that is safe, positive and supportive for all students, staff, parents and visitors to our school. As such, we remind families to be mindful of what they publish online and discourage parents from approaching one another should their children have grievances during the school day. We ask that students inform their teachers as soon as possible to ensure issues are resolved with the support and knowledge of staff.
Drop-offs in the morning
A gentle reminder to families regarding drop-off times as each morning there seems to be more children arriving before 8:20 am. Please be advised that supervision commences from 8:20 am by Leadership and that students are then sent to classrooms at 8:35 am to allow teachers preparation time for the day. Students will only be able to enter via the Howard Street gates prior to 8:35 am each morning. Armstrong and Gregory Street gates will open from 8:35 am to ensure safety and supervision for all. Please note that a teachers work day commences from 8:35 am as prescribed by the new award.
We ask that students gather near the old Library Space, and if the weather is inclement, we will invite students inside to sit quietly until the designated time.
As we are fast approaching term 4, we would also encourage families where possible, to offer a quick farewell in the mornings to your children to support them to build their confidence and independence ready for the school day. We would also encourage families to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time with teachers via email, should you wish to discuss your child and their schooling. Mornings are a very busy time for our teachers to prepare for the school day and ensure lessons and resources are ready for a smooth delivery of lessons.
School TV
Young people might have a lot of fun playing online games, but parents and carers need to make sure they empower their child to make wise decisions and help them manage the risks. Numerous games can help your child become more coordinated, adept at problem-solving and multitasking, and help them develop social skills through online interaction with other players. However, it's also critical to comprehend what may go wrong and what might be harmful to your child. Carers need to play an active role in understanding and being aware of what their young person is playing online and who they are interacting with.
International Day of People with Disability
We are seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our working party to support the planning and organisation of International Day of People with Disability, celebrated on December 3rd.
This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to an important cause, helping to promote awareness, understanding, and inclusion of people with disabilities within our community.
Volunteers will collaborate on various tasks, including event planning, outreach, and coordination to ensure a successful and impactful event. Your involvement will make a significant difference, and we welcome individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds.
If you are passionate about advocacy and making a positive impact, we would love to hear from you!
Please complete the attached application. Expression of Interest Form
2025 Year 6 Tops
It’s that time of year now where we need to organise the Year 6 Tops for 2025. If families of current Yr5 Students could please put their orders in as soon as possible, we can get them delivered mid Term 4.
Orders need to be made via Quickcliq (navigate to the events section). Orders will close on Friday 27th September.
Design a Brick Fundraiser
We are thrilled to inform families about our Design a Brick Fundraiser.
You will see in the front gates, the newly paved area under the flags. The bricks used have been relocated and restored from the renovations. We thought it was a good time to invite our newest families to be part of this momentous event.
There will be an option to pay via Quickcliq or simply return the order form with cash by Wednesday 9th October.
It is limited to one brick per family at a cost of $50.00

Bowls, Banter & Bevo's

Important Dates - Term 3
Sunday 15th September | Eucharist Celebrations at St Columba’s Parish Church - 10.00am |
Tuesday 17th September | Loreto Band school visit |
Friday 20th September | Last Day Term 3 - 2.30pm Dismissal |
Important Dates - Term 4
Monday 7th October | First Day Back Term 4 |
Thursday 31st October | Eureka Basketball in Colac |
Friday 1st November | School Closure Day |
Monday 4th November | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 5th November | Melbourne Cup Day - Public Holiday |
Tuesday 3rd December | International Day of Disability Going Up Day |
Thursday 5th December | Save the Date - Christmas Celebrations 3:30 pm |
Friday 6th December | Celebration of International Day of Disability |
Tuesday 17th December | Year 6 Graduation |
Wednesday 18th December | Last Day for Students of Term 4 - 2.30 Dismissal |
Thursday 19th December | Last Day for Staff |
Important Dates - Term 1 - 2025
Monday 27th January | Australia Day - Public Holiday |
Tuesday 28th January | First Day Back for Staff |
TBC | First Day Back for Students |